"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." ~ 1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday, February 25, 2013

Gender Reveal Party!

Thursday was the big day!! It was so surreal...I wasn't overly anxious or excited, just went through the day like normal but once we got to the doctor's office, I was pretty excited. 

We went into the ultrasound tech room and she started taking all the measurements and we saw our baby on the monitor.  They had it on a big screen so we could see it pretty well.  It was so amazing to see all the body parts and see him moving all around.  I couldn't stop giggling especially when she let us listen to the heartbeat (142 bpm). She finally said "ok do you wanna know what it is?" and I looked at Jeromy and then back and her and said yes! She said "you're having a baby....boy!" and I screamed!! I looked at Jeromy and we smiled at each other and I had a tear fall down.  I said "we knew it! It's Jonathan!" I thought I might cry a lot but I was just too happy to cry (just like our wedding).  After she told us, she said he closed his legs and she couldn't get a good look anymore.  She wanted to take another picture but he was being shy. Haha. She kept pressing on my stomach to get him to move but he wouldn't.  I could see everything moving all around on the screen and it hurt alittle.  Finally, he opened his legs again and she got a great picture.  The whole experience was so amazing and I'll never forget it.

The doctor said all the measurements and functions looked good and we were so thankful for that! After the appointment, we headed to the mall to pick up cupcakes for our family gender reveal party! It was such a busy afternoon after that getting everything ready.  Here are my favorite pictures from the night!

Cousins ready to reveal the news!

Blue icing!

Our baby boy!

Mommy, Daddy, and baby!

Sweet great-grandmothers!

Brandi figured out the name!

Best friends!

A picture I've been dreaming of for a very long time!!
It's more precious than I could have ever imagined!

21 weeks

No stats from last week and no picture from this week....it was such a busy weekend!

how far along? 21 weeks
how are you measuring? 21 weeks
size of baby? about 10 1/2 inches, the length of a carrot and according to the ultrasound tech, he weighs 15 ounces!
heartbeat? 142 bpm (at our 20 week ultrasound appt)

total weight gain/loss? +13 lbs still....Dr. wasn't too happy about it, I don't think its too bad!
maternity clothes? Oh yes! I can still wear my regular shirts but I sometimes prefer maternity shirts because then people can actually tell I'm pregnant. Only in maternity pants and capri's now.
sleep? Sleeping pretty good. Most nights I get up once to use the restroom. I wake up briefly from rolling over at night from side to side.
best moment this week? Finding out our baby's gender!!! And the doctor telling us all his measurements and body functions look good and normal! Praise God!! That was a huge relief.
movement? I'm feeling a lot of movement lately. This past week was the first time I could see movement on the outside too! That was pretty cool!! The doctor was a little surprised and said its kinda early for that. He must be a strong guy! Jeromy hasn't been able to feel it yet.
food cravings? Haven't had a craving in a long time.
gender predictions? It's a BOY!!!
what i miss: I'm enjoying this so much I can't think of anything I miss.
what i'm looking forward to: I'm looking forward to registering and getting started on the nursery.
how are you feeling? I feel great! Love the feeling of him moving and love the cute bump I'm rockin! People can tell I'm pregnant now!

20 weeks

I'm so behind!! I was really trying to keep up with this. I'm still doing better than I used to! I don't remember all the stats for week 20 so I'll just post the pictures for me to look back on!

Friday, February 15, 2013

20 at 20

20 pregnancy thoughts at 20 weeks!
Wow already half-way there!
my baby bump at 20 weeks!
1. I love being pregnant! Yep, I'm one of those! It doesn't hurt that I've had the easiest pregnancy ever (so far)....when I think about that, I get so overwhelmed with God's never ending grace for me.
2. I actually like maternity clothes! Yep, I'm one of those too.  I like that people can tell I'm pregnant and not just chubby, haha.  I usually hear from people that you either hate the clothes or love them. Let's see how I feel about them in another 20 weeks, ha! 
3. My husband likes that I'm pregnant!  He is so sweet to always help me up or take care of me.  He'll drive me anywhere I need to go at night (he already did that) so that baby and I will be safe.
4. I learned the first thing people always ask you when they find out you're pregnant (like at work) or just when you see them week to week is "how are you feeling?"  I am sure it will get more difficult but of course, for now, I can just smile and tell them how great I feel, the Lord has blessed me!
5. People are always so excited for you to hear that you are going to have a baby, it's very sweet! Even people you don't know!
6. One thing I didn't know about maternity clothes is that you can't even wear certain ones for the full time. Some pants are for when you are first pregnant and some are for when you are more pregnant. A shirt that fits now may not fit later...which makes the price of it all even more horrible! There are stages to maternity wear and that is annoying.
7. Jeromy and I have been calling our baby by the fruit or vegetable he/she is compared to each week from the Baby Center app on my phone. One week it was our little lime, then our little apple, bell pepper, fig, turnip, etc. This week is the last week we will call him/her by a fruit or veggie because by next Friday at 21 weeks we will be able to call he or she by name! This week he/she is our little banana!
8. I haven't even researched any of the stuff we will need yet, I find that too overwhelming. I haven't really done much yet but take care of myself. (I have looked at nursery ideas) I felt like I couldn't do much until we actually found out what we are having so I've just put it off. Hope that's not a huge mistake! I'm sure my family will help in figuring out all I'll need.
9. I do know that I am very interested in cloth diapering. I have a wealth of knowledge at my fingertips from many friends that cloth diaper. I probably would have never known it was even an option if I didn't have so many friends doing it. I'm really excited about it! It is such a money saver!

10. I have been really stressed about the weight gain. I am bad about comparing myself to others. It has gotten a little better recently. I am trying not to worry as much about it because I know I'll just go right back to weight watchers as soon as I'm able. I'm sure everyone gets stressed about the weight gain.
11. Not too many people have tried to touch my belly yet. I have had some and most of them haven't asked. I would think it would be appropriate etiquette to ask before you touch someone, right??  
12.  I am aware that I'm not going to get any sleep when the baby comes.  You can stop telling me that now, thank you!
13.  I am also aware how hot I am going to be in June and July, you can stop mentioning that now too! Trying to focus on the positive like all the awesome summer birthday parties I can throw for my sweet child.  And all the fun stuff we will do in the summer time!  I don't need to focus on the one summer that I will be uncomfortable.  Let's think positively!
14. I love finding good maternity clothes at the awesome resale shop I work at or at the family thrift store! I've gotten some really great things for a fraction of the price and in good quality too!  Like most women, I don't want to pay a lot for these clothes but especially because I hope to not wear them again.  If I am pregnant again, I hope to be an even smaller size so the ones I'm wearing now won't work for next time.
15. Feeling so healthy right now! I am so very glad I started working on my health and weight for this exact purpose at the beginning of 2011.  I didn't know God's timing but I knew I wanted to have a family and would need to be healthier for it.  Between January 2011 and when I got pregnant, I had lost 50 lbs!! I can't imagine doing this now at 50 lbs heavier. 
16. I have been exercising some while pregnant.  I could do more but I'm getting there.  I've been walking on my treadmill.  I try to get up a little earlier in the morning and walk for just 30 minutes because that's better than nothing!  It has helped with keeping my weight gain down.
17. I'm so excited my first baby shower is already in the works!  There's a date and place in mind and it's still in the very first stages but its fun to think about even though its still 3 months away, hehe!
18. I mentioned in my last post that I have now felt baby movement! There hasn't been a lot yet but every now and then I'll feel the baby move around and it feels kinda weird!  It won't happen all day long and then suddenly I'll feel it for a few seconds and it always helps remind me that he/she is in there and doing ok!
19.  I am looking forward to being a stay at home mom!  Very grateful we have that option and my husband supports it fully! He's thrilled I will be able to and want to.  I know it's going to be the most difficult but most rewarding job I'll ever have! I am so ready for our sweet baby to be here already so I can take care of him/her :)
20. My constant prayer is that the baby is healthy and everything is forming and developing as it should.  It is so amazing all the little tiny details that go into forming a human and it really is a miracle from God how it all comes together! Please pray with us that everything will be as it should!


Monday, February 11, 2013

19 weeks


I've gotten behind, ahh!! It's a bummer that I didn't do an 18 week post and pic because that's when my baby bump really grew!  That's ok, I'm glad I got this week!
how far along? 19 weeks
how are you measuring? 19 weeks
size of baby? about 6 inches, the size of a large tomato and 8 1/2 ounces
heartbeat? 153 bpm (at our 15 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss?
+13 lbs...ugh
maternity clothes?
Definitely wearing maternity pants now. I haven't tried my regular “bigger” jeans lately because last time I wore them, they hurt my stomach. All shirts are still fine.  Loving my comfy lounge pants!
Not so great this past week. I had read that you are supposed to stop sleeping on your back in the third trimester but the pregnancy app I use said to stop doing that now. I usually sleep on my side but am now having trouble because I have to. I haven't slept well this past week because my hip bones hurt and I wake up from flipping over to switch sides.   I started using a pregnancy pillow, its ok so far.
best moment this week? Finally felt movement this week!!! I've been really anxious about that, just a reminder that he or she is in there!

movement? Yes! It started on Tuesday (2/5) but I wasn't sure what it was but then felt it more and more over the next couple of days.
food cravings? Nothing really this week. Mexican food is always good, pregnant or not! I've had it quite a bit this past week!
gender predictions? We have no idea! We find out next week! I did have a dream this past week that the doctor told us it was a girl, we'll see...
what i miss: I miss sleeping on my back! I wake up on my back and get so worried. I never knew I liked sleeping on my back so much.
what i'm looking forward to:
Just ready for next week when we find out what we're having and we can announce the name!
how are you feeling? Still feeling great! I had someone tell me they want me to be their surrogate next time they want a baby because I've had it so good... thank you Lord! She was kidding :)