"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." ~ 1 Corinthians 10:31

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday 2013

What a wonderful Easter Sunday it was! I love our church! The service was great and the message was wonderful! Worship was phenomenal as always....He is risen indeed!

After church we gathered at Vicki and Terry's house with the whole family. My parents and Nana came and Carlee's parents were there too, it's great we can all gather together in one place! Here are my favorite photos:

The cousins...will be holding another little one next year! :)
Sweet Darcy at 9 months 
Jeromy added flour to his confetti eggs and got Byron good!
weirdos :)

Cutie Madelyn!

Me and some precious nieces

Cute girls!

Uncle Jeromy is so fun! He lets the kids get him good with those confetti eggs!

Us three :)
Great family of Moores, Hortons, Mason, Malone, Lunsford and Bordenos!

26 weeks

how far along? 26 weeks
how are you measuring?  Not sure this week.  Had an appointment last Monday and she said I was measuring a little big and she would check on that at my next ultrasound at 28 weeks.
size of baby? 14 inches long, 1 2/3 pounds, and about the same length as an English hothouse cucumber.
heartbeat? 155 bpm (at our 25 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? +22 lbs...being home is helping!
maternity clothes? Love all my maternity pants with the full panel. I put on some jeans that I used to wear a couple years ago and was able to button them so I used those as jeans this week with the cold front.  Love all my cute maternity shirts but I feel like they aren't going to fit by the end!
sleep? I've had issues with my back...I put pillows underneath but I keep scooting away from them and wake up on my back.  I'm going to put a guard rail on my side of the bed (lol) and prop pillows up against that so I can't throw them off the bed. Getting up once a night at random times. Still sleeping pretty well.
best moment this week? Got my registries started!! Carlee and I went to Babies R Us on Friday when they opened (good thing, they were packed!) and started my registry there. I didn't know it would take so long, it wore me out!! So thankful to have gone with someone who had a baby last year and I'm getting a lot of her stuff so she knew what I needed to register for and what she had. Also got my registry started at Nurtured Family for cloth diapers and accessories...check out their website!
movement? Some days his movement is more than others. He had some really high belly kicks yesterday which was neat! Right after, I pushed back to see if he would respond but he didn't.  I get a little concerned on the days he doesn't move as much but I try to just trust that he's fine!  
food cravings? I was craving Sweet Tomatoes salad bar and bakery this week! My dad and I went there on Friday for lunch, they have the yummiest strawberry lemonade you've ever had!
gender predictions? It's a BOY!
what i miss: I miss being able to remember things! I keep forgetting things lately when I leave the house like my cell phone...I forgot it two days in a row and if you know me, you know I never am without my cell, lol. I also don't enjoy being so clumsy.  I dropped a bottle of salad dressing at the store just now and it got all over my feet and legs, grr!
what i'm looking forward to: I will be ordering the crib and bedding this week! The room is being emptied day by and I'm so excited to get started on his room! I also need to check out paint for the walls this week! Also, registering for hospital classes this week!
how are you feeling? I still feel great pregnancy wise, no health issues or complications...praise Jesus! But I am feeling more emotional and things are getting to me more easily, I just don't always feel put together.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

New Adventures

I had a great day today! My brain is on overload and feels like its going to explode but I'm pretty excited about all that I learned today. I went to the Nurtured Family store and took my first baby classes, baby wearing and cloth diapering.  First of all, I loved the store! It's a small mom and pop business, locally Christian-owned and operated.  There were people at the class from really far away so I'm thankful this store is so close for us! They had worship music playing in the background and I'm excited to support the local business.

The first class I went to was the baby wearing class.  I learned about all the different ways to wear your baby...carriers, wraps, pouches, slings, etc! I learned about the benefits of baby wearing and even got to see it first hand.  Rebecca, the owner and teacher, had her 6 month old at the store and he was a bit fussy from teething.  The lady watching him was having trouble getting him calm so Rebecca got him and wrapped him in her sling and he immediately calmed down and soon fell asleep.  He was so peaceful and content.  He was SO cute when he woke up, he was just looking all around at us and smiling at everyone.  You could tell he was happy to be near mom and she was able to continue with her presentation as if nothing had really changed. Totally hands free.  It was neat to see her use a carrier in action even though it wasn't planned. The class was quite lengthy but it was great to get all the information!

Here's the sling I like!

A little later I went back with Jeromy and Vicki for the cloth diapering class. WOW talk about brain overload! I knew we were going to hear about all the different kinds of diapers but it was much more than I thought.  Flat, prefold, contour, fitted, all in one, pocket, and hybrid.  Those are just the types of diapers...not even all the different brands that are available for each type of diaper! Plus, all the different fiber inserts, microfiber with microfleece, natural fibers with different absorbancy levels like cotton, bamboo, and hemp.....like I said WOW! I am so blessed to have some many friends that already cloth diaper that I can go to for advice and extra info on all this stuff! Very thankful for Melissa, Lynne, Sam, Chaeli, and Julie!!! They will be getting lots of emails and message from me about all this and they are always so great to respond to whatever question I have! SO great that I don't have to navigate this alone!

Going into the class, I kind of already had an idea of what TYPE of diaper I was thinking about using based on what all my friends use but by the time she went through all the different types, my brain was just shot! I'm pretty much going to go with the suggestions of friends and try two different types....Fuzzibunz Elite One Size pocket diapers with the microfiber inserts and Bum Genius Freetime All in One size diaper...both with snaps instead of velcro.

I will give these a try and see how it goes, each baby fits in these differently and I might not end up liking them but if all 5 of my cloth diapering friends use the same one (Fuzzibunz), then it seems pretty smart to just go with their suggestion! :)

So excited to get started on my classes, next week I'll be registering at the hospital and signing up for classes there....can't wait!

Got two registries started this weekend! Babies R Us and at Nutured Family, yay!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

25 weeks

how far along? 25 weeks
how are you measuring?  I'll find out tomorrow at my appt.
size of baby? 13 1/2 inches long, about 1 1/2 pounds, and about the same weight as a rutabaga.
heartbeat? 142 bpm (at our 20 1/2 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? +23 lbs, been out of town - going out to eat for every meal for 2 weeks is NOT good. Really struggling over this right now. Totally stressing.
maternity clothes? Yes and I still love them! I can still wear some of my regular T-shirts that were getting too big before I was pregnant.
sleep? I've still got the same sleeping pattern I've had.  Only wake up when I turning from side to side and I am able to go right back to sleep.  Getting up once a night.
best moment this week? Jonathan was kicking up a storm one night so I had Jeromy put his hand on my belly and just stay for awhile.  He got to feel him kick over and over, that was pretty cool!
movement? He is moving a lot more this week! Not just in the evening and at night anymore, some during the day as well.  If I lay on my side, I can feel him moving around a lot.
food cravings? I've been giving in to too many cravings lately I guess....need to be eating better.  Seems like most of the women I know only gained 30 or less so I feel like I am going way overboard.  Then I read online about women gaining 70-90lbs and I don't feeel so bad, lol.  How is that possible?
gender predictions? It's a boy!
what i miss: I miss feeling like I look good in the mirror.  I  was getting used to looking slimmer for so long and it is really hard to watch it go back up.  Looking forward to afterward and I can go back to WW.
what i'm looking forward to: I think I'm finally ready to register this week! Looking forward to picking out lots of stuff for Jonathan!
how are you feeling? Feeling fine pregnancy wise. Still very thankful that I've had such a smooth pregnancy.  Emotionally, I don't feel great today because I know my doctor is going to mention my crazy weight gain from this past month. It's so hard not to gain a ton...I made better food choices, ate less, and worked out every day this past week and still managed to gain. ugh. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Fuller Wedding!

What a wondeful time we all had last night celebrating the marriage of Melissa Mason and Jacob Fuller! The wedding was out at Amber Springs wedding venue in Montgomery.  The place was absolutely beautiful as was the whole wedding and reception.  It was a lot of fun being with the family and I am so beat today from dancing with my sweet niece, Melissa, all night long! Glad I had a dance partner to get out there and boogie with :) Some of my favorite pictures of course to follow!


my dancing partner for the night! 

family photo!
sister/friend :)

they had a blast together!
the happy couple so in love <3
Horton girls looking pretty!

on the floor in her dress, love her!
The Moores!

absolutely beautiful couple
siblings having fun :)
our family photo of three!

Jeromy & Uncle Benny
Jeromy and Byron wrestling, haha!
This makes me want to have two boys! lol
What a blast it was! Beautiful wedding and venue, great food, good company and a lot of laughs!

Friday, March 15, 2013

24 weeks

how far along? 24 weeks
how are you measuring? 24 weeks
size of baby? almost a foot long, weighs just over a pound, as long as an ear of corn
heartbeat? 142 bpm (at our 20 1/2 week appt)
total weight gain/loss? I don't really want to talk about it, ha! I did not do well last week being on vacation.  Luckily I didn't gain anything this week so hopefully, I'll maintain for alittle while since I know it was just vacation weight and not baby weight that I gained.
maternity clothes? I love my maternity clothes! They are so cute! I recently got some new tops from Motherhood with some gift cards I had gotten at Christmas. (Thanks Carlee and Kim!) I only get things that are on sale though, it's so expensive there!

sleep? I'm waking up quite a bit from turning over but it never keeps me up long.  Slept really well on vacation and maybe get up once a night but never consistently.
best moment this week? Jeromy and I celebrated our three year anniversary! We had a wonderful evening at Perry's (thanks to gift cards)! We only had to pay the tip so that was a great cheap dinner! We went to Target afterwards and looked at baby stuff, it was fun! :)
movement? Definitely moving every day now! It's mostly still in the evenings and night time, I don't feel him much in the morning or during the day. One thing I'll never forget about this experience is that whenever I am worried from not feeling him in awhile, I always pray for Jonathan that he's growing healthy and that he would have some movement so I know he's ok.  EVERY TIME within minutes I'll feel him!! God is so good to reassure me like that! EVERY TIME.
food cravings? Nothing really.  Everything sounds pretty good!
gender predictions? It's a BOY!
what i miss: Can't think of anything right now...I'm just enjoying this time so much!
what i'm looking forward to: I'm ready to start the purchasing process for Jonathan's nursery! I got so much stuff figured out while we were gone last week.  A lady in my Bible study class suggested I read Baby Bargains and it is such a great book! I am taking a lot of their recommendations on items to purchase and was able to read a lot of reviews last week.  I've got pretty much everything picked out for his room! Crib, mattress, bedding, decor, etc! This week, I will focus on reading up on high chairs, strollers, etc. so I can get the registering process rolling! You ready Carlee?? ;)
how are you feeling? I'm doing great! Had some dizziness a couple times recently and some pain from liagments stretching but other than, its just a breeze.  One thing I love about being pregnant is that my husband always helps me up when I'm sitting, it's SO sweet :) I'll always cherish that and remember it.

23 weeks & a trip!

I'm slackin! This is from 23 weeks on March 8.  The biggest excitement from this week was when Jeromy got to feel and see the baby move for the first time! We were in Corinth, MS last week (small town!) and had a great trip! We had such a wonderful time together, we laughed so much and just spent the time enjoying each others company.  We drove into Tennessee a few times because we were right on the border and stopped at some state parks. We didn't get out much because it was pretty cold but it was still a nice scenic drive. I got to fly for the first time since our honeymoon and it was nice to be with Jeromy all week instead of apart. Here's some great pictures from our trip.

23 1/2 weeks

Pickwick Landing State Park in TN
A little cold!
Lots of drive time...which Jeromy loves!
Beautiful sunsets while driving
A great trip together :)
I'm really excited for next week. He travels again for the whole week and I'm going with him! We are going to Dallas.  I'll get to go to one of my favorite resale shops, I'll mostly be looking at jewelry for this trip ;) and we will get to see friends Wes and Julie for the first time since they had their sweet boy Reed! It will be a fun trip for sure, lots more to do than in Corinth!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

22 weeks

how far along? 22 weeks
how are you measuring? 22 weeks
size of baby? about 11 inches, the length of a spaghetti squash and about one pound!
heartbeat? 142 bpm (at our 20 1/2 week appointment)

total weight gain/loss? not sure this week, haven't weighed myself in awhile, I think it's about +15 lbs
maternity clothes? Yes! I am enjoying my maternity clothing! I can still wear regular shirts but I like the maternity ones.  Got a lot of new shirts at Motherhood with some gift cards and sales, they are very pretty!
sleep? Sleeping pretty good still! I do wake up turning from side to side but fall back to sleep easily.  Get up once a night to use the restroom but not every night.
best moment this week? Had a great weekend with my 7th grade girls for D NOW! They were playing Just Dance 2 on the Wii and I danced a song with one of them, they were so funny.  One of them asked me "Is Jonathan feeling the burn??" Haha! The answer was yes!
movement? So much movement lately! It's always when I sit or lay in a certain position.  I can see movement from the outside too which is so cool.  Of course when I have Jeromy watch, he stops doing it! He's shy!!
food cravings? No cravings anymore.  I have been enjoying mini chocolate shakes from Sonic lately...probably enjoying them too much. At least it's a mini! 
gender predictions? It's a BOY!
what i miss:  Maybe being able to pick stuff up...it's nice that people want to do it for me though! It can just be inconvenient sometimes and I don't like to make people do stuff for me.  I feel like I should be perfectly capable of doing things.
what i'm looking forward to: Looking forward to registering and getting start on his room...I feel like I really need to get on that!
how are you feeling? Feeling good! Feel like I'm getting pretty big already...I know this isn't anywhere near how big I'm going to get but it's just so weird/amazing to watch my stomach expand.