Writing this because I want to remember this...
I recently posted a "rant" on Facebook about the unnecessary and negative things people say to pregnant women. I typiclly don't post negative things on Facebook but I guess my hormones got the best of me :) I also posted this cartoon and now I get a lot of comments about how radiant I look....haha. Even this morning at church, someone told me I was radiant! I felt bad about my rant after I did it.
As I've gotten further along in my pregnancy (and bigger) I am hearing a lot of comments about my size and pregnancy in general. It's very interesting to me that at the beginning of one's pregnancy, everyone is so happy for you, congratulating you, asking how you are feeling, etc. Closer to the end is when some of the more negative comments occur. The comments didn't really get to me, it was the fact that people feel they are ok to say at all! I just don't get it! The morning of the rant I was on facebook and saw that Jeromy's cousin Melissa was very tired from all that she's been up to and she is also pregnant. Someone commented on her post "sounds like my pregnancy....jussssttt wait!!" Like just wait its only going to get worse. Oh man I was so mad for her! Clearly she needed a more encouraging word than that...telling her or me or any pregnant woman to "just wait" drives me insane. That's kinda what got the rant started that morning. So then I had people posting this article Joy or "Just Wait?" on my facebook page, hehe. Again, I felt bad that I had ranted but oh well. It felt good to get it out. The article is great and I appreciated the thoughtfulness by these friends. I just went back and reread all the comments posted from my rant and everyone was so nice. I have a great support system and feel so loved. That's something to remember.
I decided not to write out the things that have been said to me because I'd rather not remember those when I'm looking back on this post in the future. A week or so after the rant, God reminded me of how nice people can be to pregnant women. I had four people in one day open a door for me. Might seem like a small gesture but I really appreciated it and it was a small reminder of how nice people actually can be. And then at work the other day, a lady was leaving and said congratulations out of no where and seemed really happy for me. That's sweet. So now, I'm just trying to focus on the positive things people say and do rather than get upset every time someone tells me how big I am. I know all women probably go through this during pregnancy but this is my blog and I want to remember it all :)
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