"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." ~ 1 Corinthians 10:31

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Days 1-3

Howdy! I started my Whole30 on Friday and have been feeling very successful so far! It's actually not been hard at all. I always thought having a strict diet would be too hard and I would feel deprived but I'm actually liking it because I know exactly what is good for me to eat and what is not so I only eat the good things. It's working out very well! I am so happy to not have to count points or calories or anything because I know the food I'm eating is GOOD for me. I have to make sure I don't eat more than I need though. That would kind of defeat the purpose because even though I am working to change eating habits and tastes, I do have a goal to lose weight during this month as well so I have to be mindful of how much good food I'm eating. I have been doing Weight Watchers on and off for the past three years so I'm used to weighing myself once a week. On the Whole30 program, their goal is more to change your food habits rather than lose weight so the creators of the program don't want you to weigh yourself at all during the whole month. That is actually going to be the hardest thing for me, not the food. I want to see some results!! A lot of people on the Whole30 blog post that they get really bad headaches from the withdrawl of certain foods but I haven't had any yet, gladly. I have had crazy dreams about eating dessert though, LOL. That is so embarassing to say but true. I haven't really craved it when I'm awake...clearly its on the brain though! Anyways, I went to the grocery store today with Lea (again she rocks because she is doing this with me) and found some awesome things in the healthy living section that I didn't know were there. My new favorite thing is almond butter (like peanut butter but with almonds) They have a machine that grinds dry roasted almonds for you and you just print the label and go! It's so awesome! And there's no sugar in it like all the peanut butter jars on the shelf. That's my favorite find of the week. I got all my groceries for the week including some all natural chicken and beef and organic eggs and my grocery bill was just the same as it normally is! I was very excited about that as well. I guess it's because I wasn't buying crackers and cookies and all the stuff in the middle of the store, mostly just on the outside of the aisles. All in all, a very successful start to my Whole30 experience so far! (That is so nice to say because most of the people's blogs I read are dying after a few days of no coke or sugar so I feel really blessed that I'm not experiencing that!)

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