"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." ~ 1 Corinthians 10:31

Saturday, March 30, 2013

New Adventures

I had a great day today! My brain is on overload and feels like its going to explode but I'm pretty excited about all that I learned today. I went to the Nurtured Family store and took my first baby classes, baby wearing and cloth diapering.  First of all, I loved the store! It's a small mom and pop business, locally Christian-owned and operated.  There were people at the class from really far away so I'm thankful this store is so close for us! They had worship music playing in the background and I'm excited to support the local business.

The first class I went to was the baby wearing class.  I learned about all the different ways to wear your baby...carriers, wraps, pouches, slings, etc! I learned about the benefits of baby wearing and even got to see it first hand.  Rebecca, the owner and teacher, had her 6 month old at the store and he was a bit fussy from teething.  The lady watching him was having trouble getting him calm so Rebecca got him and wrapped him in her sling and he immediately calmed down and soon fell asleep.  He was so peaceful and content.  He was SO cute when he woke up, he was just looking all around at us and smiling at everyone.  You could tell he was happy to be near mom and she was able to continue with her presentation as if nothing had really changed. Totally hands free.  It was neat to see her use a carrier in action even though it wasn't planned. The class was quite lengthy but it was great to get all the information!

Here's the sling I like!

A little later I went back with Jeromy and Vicki for the cloth diapering class. WOW talk about brain overload! I knew we were going to hear about all the different kinds of diapers but it was much more than I thought.  Flat, prefold, contour, fitted, all in one, pocket, and hybrid.  Those are just the types of diapers...not even all the different brands that are available for each type of diaper! Plus, all the different fiber inserts, microfiber with microfleece, natural fibers with different absorbancy levels like cotton, bamboo, and hemp.....like I said WOW! I am so blessed to have some many friends that already cloth diaper that I can go to for advice and extra info on all this stuff! Very thankful for Melissa, Lynne, Sam, Chaeli, and Julie!!! They will be getting lots of emails and message from me about all this and they are always so great to respond to whatever question I have! SO great that I don't have to navigate this alone!

Going into the class, I kind of already had an idea of what TYPE of diaper I was thinking about using based on what all my friends use but by the time she went through all the different types, my brain was just shot! I'm pretty much going to go with the suggestions of friends and try two different types....Fuzzibunz Elite One Size pocket diapers with the microfiber inserts and Bum Genius Freetime All in One size diaper...both with snaps instead of velcro.

I will give these a try and see how it goes, each baby fits in these differently and I might not end up liking them but if all 5 of my cloth diapering friends use the same one (Fuzzibunz), then it seems pretty smart to just go with their suggestion! :)

So excited to get started on my classes, next week I'll be registering at the hospital and signing up for classes there....can't wait!

Got two registries started this weekend! Babies R Us and at Nutured Family, yay!

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