"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." ~ 1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday, May 27, 2013

34 weeks

I realized I wore this shirt 7 weeks ago so I decided to do a side by side to see the difference...wow!
how far along? 34 weeks
how are you measuring? 36 weeks
size of baby? According to Baby Center our baby is 18 inches long, about 4.75 pounds, and the weight of an average canteloupe...but we know he weighs more than that...at least 5.6 lbs
heartbeat? 132 bpm (at our 32 week appointment)
total weight gain/loss? I don't know
maternity clothes? My maternity tops are starting to get a bit snug! Had to get a few more to last me the rest of the time....found some great deals on Target clearance rack!  
sleep? I'm still sleeping pretty good.  It got a little difficult this week just a time or two.  I guess I'm entering that phase.  It's just so hard to turn over and get up. Get up once a night to use the restroom and let Sugie out, we are watching my parent's dog while they are on vacation. It works out well, I get up to go and I take him out too!
best moment this week? I haven't been good about doing these blog posts on Fridays when the week changes so I am having a hard time remembering last week because it's now Monday, ha. I guess just getting more done in his nursery, it's really coming together and I love the way it is turning out!
movement? He is moving a lot now! He is always pushing on my right side in the same spot.  He has actually been moving at night and has kept me from falling asleep, but not for long.
food cravings? I just want ice cream all the time....which isn't really much different from any other time, lol.
gender predictions? It's a BOY!
what i miss: I miss being able to get up easily. 
what i'm looking forward to: Jeromy and I are taking a "last trip" before the baby comes next weekend.  We are going to Galveston which we have done so many times before but this time I want to see what we can do that we've never done there before.  And I'm excited to go to the beach!
how are you feeling? I feel pretty good during the day.  I've been getting pretty tired by the end of the day.  I had a little trouble getting comfortable trying to take a nap the other day but I think I was just full from lunch.  Feeling very excited and not nervous....hoping its only 4 more weeks!  Not from being uncomfortable, which I'm not yet, just because I'm ready and want to meet him!!

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