Friday night was my cousin, Taylor's high school graduation in Angleton so my parents and Nana and I made the trip down there. Hard to believe she's a high school graduate! She was born when I was 10 and now here we are!
Saturday morning, Jeromy and I went to Byron and Carlee's house to hang out with our nieces and nephews. Jeromy was such a sport, he's always so good at keeping the kids entertained. They rode around in little motorized jeeps and was really cute! The bigger cousins played in the water sprinkler while Carlee, Michelle, and I got to sit and chat. It was a fun time together!
Later that day, Jeromy and I went on a date out to the Woodlands. We had our first date at the Cheesecake Factory and that's also where we went right before he proposed. I really wanted some chocolate mousse cheesecake! We ate, walked around the mall area, and had a great time! On our way home, we stopped at an antique car show and walked around together. We are SO enjoying these last few weeks as a family of two!
Monday, I got up at 7am with Jeromy and stayed up til 8, but then decided I wanted to go back to sleep while I could! I slept til 10:30! I never do that and haven't done it again but it was nice to rest after a busy weekend. I cleaned most of the day at the house and that felt good. Shout out to my wonderful daddy who came over to help me move all the furniture, there was no way I could do it!
Tuesday, I had plans to meet up with my friend Erica and her mom, Loretta and Erica's son, Evan. Erica and I met in a speech class during a summer session at Tomball College. Pretty crazy we have kept up all these years! It was also easy to keep up because I worked at Hancock with her mom Loretta so I was able to keep up through her. She works out near Memorial City Mall so I made the trip over there but it was worth it because I got some shopping done! We had lunch at Pappy's Cafe (which is like Goodson's in Tomball) and had fun catching up! They gave me some wonderful gifts for Jonathan including monogrammed burp cloths...I love them! After lunch, I realized I was close to Ikea and I needed to go there so I made a "quick" trip. I got out an hour later! It takes so long to get through that store!!
Wednesday, I met with my friend, Sydne, who I used to work with at Hancock. We met at Tea for Two tea room and it was so good! I got quiche (of course) and salad and then we split the most amazing piece of cake. It was so nice to catch up with her and she got me a precious blanket for Jonathan! I also went shopping a lot that day...Carter's, Babies R Us, and Target. Had lots to return and new things to pick up as we are getting closer to the date!
Thursday, I picked up my niece, Melissa and we had an Aunt Tristan/Melissa date! She is much like me and likes to be girly and asked me to take her to get her nails done. Of course! I needed a pedicure too so it worked out! We got our nails done, ate McDonald's at my house and watched My Little Pony and Scooby Doo on Netflix. It was a lot of fun!
That evening, I went to game night with the girls in my Sunday School class and it was the most fun I've had in a long time! We laughed so hard and so much my belly was sore the next day! It was a riot!!
Friday, I hung out with Carlee and the kids. We went to the Tomball Library. It was fun watching William and Darcy in the children's section. After that, I helped Carlee make cake pops for Darcy's first birthday party.
Friday night, we went out the Cypress Campus for building tours and dinner on the new land. It was a great night of worship and fellowship! May many families in Cypress come to know the Lord because we did all we could do!
Saturday needs a blog post of its! I cannot believe how much I crammed into this week! Stay tuned for part 2!
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