"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." ~ 1 Corinthians 10:31
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Birthday month!
Jeromy had to travel for work on my actual birthday so a couple of days before we got all dressed up and went to dinner at Perry's (YUM) and it's always nice when its free! Love gift cards! It was such a nice dinner. There were rose petals on the table when we got there and they knew it was my birthday so I got free dessert. It was delightful!
On my actual birthday (Monday) I got up at 4:30 and went to boot camp..that's dedication! Lol I did go home and sleep til about 10 though! I went to lunch with a sweet friend of mine, Rachelle. She totally made me feel special that day. We went to Salata and she had ballons and gifts and cake pops, I couldn't have asked for a better lunch date! I was so very appreciative of her that day.
Again, Jeromy gave such thoughtful gifts this year...what a sweetheart! Before Thanksgiving we were at the mall and had ventured into the Yankee Candle store. I've never had a Yankee Candle and now I know why people love them so much! We got two candles and turkey decorations for the mantle. So when my birthday rolled around, he gave me two Christmas smelling candles to add to my collection! We had also gone into the Hallmark store that day at the mall and I had seen a beautiful willow tree angel that I loved. He was listening! He got it for me and here is the start of my collection!
Oh yeah! He also took me to Target (who doesn't love Target?!) and let me pick out a few things that I liked, I'm telling you, he did GOOD this year!
So enough about my birthday, lol, let's switch over to his! Jeromy's birthday is on the 16th. A few months before his birthday I had seen a Groupon for an hour long Ferrari experience. I bought it without really reading all the details (I learned my lesson!) and was so excited about him getting to drive a Ferrari, I knew he was going to freak out! So I realized you had to do this on a weekday sometime between 10am-3pm. Uh oh! He works (duh) so I didn't know what I was going to do. Luckily I had some time to figure it out. I tried to switch it to a weekend and pay more but the company said no. I know Jeromy's boss pretty well and figured my last resort was to email him and ask for Jeromy to have a half day off from work even though he had no more vacation days this year. Couldn't hurt to ask, right? His boss was so nice and said of course he could have off....whew! So on his actually birthday I gave him a model of what he would be driving and the groupon...he was so excited! I asked my sweet mother in law to come with us because she is fabulous at taking pictures and I certainly wanted the smile on his face documented! So we all went down to the Galleria the next Monday and here we are!
He was just SO excited and nervous at the same time! Don't wreck that $180,000 car baby!! Just check out the huge smile on his face!!!
And he's off! So while he was driving around town in that awesome car, Vicki and I walked over tothe Container Store to look around. Man that place is awesome and big! It's a bit overwhelming but so many great ideas...anyways! Back the birthday guy....he had an awesome time!
I'm so glad he liked the gift and had a great time....we had wonderful birthdays and are so blessed!
End of October
The end of October was a busy weekend! We celebrated the birth of our second niece on October 28 at 8:09pm. The whole family gathered to see. I've never gone to a hospital to see a baby born! Here is Madelyn Grace Horton shortly after birth.
Byron, Carlee, and Will were in town that weekend so we could celebrate Byron's birthday. The next day we celebrated with him, Happy Birthday Byron! Hope you enjoy that iTunes gift card!! We ate at Freebirds and had cookie cake (of course!)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Pumpkin Patch
Loving the fall-ish weather! Happy Fall everyone!
Monday, October 17, 2011
October in pictures
That weekend one of my oldest best friends, Jessica and her husband Kyle moved into their first house! What an exciting time for them! I was honored to be their first house guest! Their new place is beautiful and I love it, so happy for them :) Here we are!
Last night we had another small shower for Michelle at La Madeline with some ladies from our life group, sunday school class, bible study....whatever its called now!! It was a small group but sometimes thats nice because you really get to talk with people more! I love making new friends and learning more about people :) and the food was amazing!!
I have GOT to start taking more pictures! I love sharing these pictures. Will definitely be taking my camera with me more often! Hope you enjoyed my month of October. I will *try* to post more often so I don't have to cram everything into one post like I did today...and that is all!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
1. We are 5 day cruisers...7 days on a boat was a long time, we missed home and were ready to be back!
2. A balcony room would be awesome next time. We had an inside room that was handicap and you'd think that would mean it was bigger but they threw an extra bed in there when the room is only made for one bed so we had absolutely no room to walk. We like to watch the water so we will be splurging for the balcony next time!
3. Bring your own Dr. Pepper! We had our own water but didn't think about the cokes, oops.
4. We needed a backpack to carry all our stuff in port. We had a bag but it got heavy to carry.
5. Self assist is the way to go...we had to wait so much longer to get off the boat which made the line really long. You live, you learn!
That was the top 5 things we learned. I was nervous about not knowing what to take or what to expect but now I know! Hope the next one is sooner rather than later!
Here are my favorite pictures from the trip (its so hard to pick just a few!!):
Monday, August 22, 2011
Target Deals
I went to Target today armed with my coupons again. I didn't get as much but still saved over 50% which ROCKS! I got a few things super cheap and some even free. Here's my goodies from today:
I don't know why these are sideways but they were FREE! They were only $.97 and then I had a $1 off coupon for each so I actually made $.09 on them...you can't pass up free!
I wanted to add another picture of Clorox wipes that I got but it's upside down. I got a three pack of wipes for $1.05 each. I love playing the grocery game! Stay tuned to see what I get next week!
This is the one I would get!!! It would say tristan & jeromy moore 2012....I like it in the multicolor. Hope you like it too!!!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Stealing is good!
The original total was $91.48 before all the coupons. I used 21 coupons from Target's website and the newspaper. After 21 coupons, my total went down to $45.63! I saved $45.85 in coupons!! It was really strange, it felt like an adrenaline rush when the lady rang up the items and then I watched as the price was cut in half! I was so excited when I was cutting out my coupons. I think this is the best deal I got...
I found this deal in a blog on the Totally Target site. These four scrubbing bubbles items were originally $16.96. I had three coupons, two of which were buy one item get one free. So after 3 coupons, I paid $5.98 for all of this!! Here's a break down of how I did that:
Buy 2 Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel ($3.49 each) and also buy 1 Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush Starter Kit ($6.49) & 1 Fresh Brush Refill ($3.49) =$16.96
- $1 coupon (from Target website) when you buy 2 Toilet Cleaning Gels
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Stay at home...wife?
When New Years rolled around and it was time to make those resolutions, I often make one to be healthier. Not lose weight. But just get into better habits. I am actually proud to say that I stuck to that this year! Kim was going to a boot camp at church and I thought maybe I'd try it especially since there was someone I knew, kinda. I started boot camp at the Met on January 5, 2011. To this day still can't believe I did it for 5 months! That was amazing group of women ready to be there for you when you need accountability! But getting up at 4:30 on MWF and then working at school all day made for a sleepy Tristan. I felt so accomplished every time I went. I would HATE waking up that early but knew I'd be feeling so good by 6am. Anyways.....Kim and I got to be better friends and walking buddies. One morning I asked her if she had employees at her resale store...Retail Therapy. She said yes and I told her that I might be interested in working a summer job. Summer job turned into JOB. I'm loving it and am so blessed by the friendship I have with Kim. We are constantly laughing and making jokes with each other. And her daughter Megan is such a cutie and a cuddle bug. It's such a blessing to be able to listen to KSBJ all day long and have such variety at the store. There are times when I get to be social with customers and then there are times when I get to worship God through song by myself with no one around. I LOVE IT!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Whole30 Complete!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Days 18-21
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Days 9-13
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Days 4-8
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Days 1-3
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Onto a new journey! Whole30